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BTEC National Business Unit 17 - Digital Marketing - Learning Aim C

BTEC National Business Unit 17 - Digital Marketing - Learning Aim C

Included in these lesson resources are: Detailed presentation for Learning Aim C1 – Marketing Planning Process and Learning Aim C2 – Integration in the wider marketing and promotional mix Template for completing a marketing report as a practice run for Learning Aim C Assignment. Please find a list of the other resources for this unit also attached for ease of location.
BTEC National Business Unit 17 - Digital Marketing - A1 - Digital marketing in the marketing functio

BTEC National Business Unit 17 - Digital Marketing - A1 - Digital marketing in the marketing functio

These resources are part of a set that cover Unit 17 in its entirity. Included in these lesson resources are a course introduction presentation and a presentation for Learning Aim A1 - Digital marketing in the marketing function. For ease of organising the course, I have also included: A tick sheet for the course content The main official Pearson documentation (Specification, Delivery Guide, Assessment Criteria, the Authorised Assignment Brief and the Assessment Record Template) all of which of course can be found on their website in various locations. Some of these have been customised for this unit to save you time. Please find a list of the other resources for this unit also attached for ease of location.
BTEC points to UCAS tariff points (BTEC National Ex. Dip. Business)

BTEC points to UCAS tariff points (BTEC National Ex. Dip. Business)

This handy document explains to students how the grades and points achieved in their Business BTEC National Extended Diploma units are used to determine whether or not they fulfil the entry requirements for the degree course of their choice, or entry onto a degree apprenticeship. It’s a sheet I use in the run-up to exams, which I find especially useful to help those that have not settled, to wake up to reality - in the hope that they pull their finger out and do some revision before their exams. To be fair, it can be used at any time. You may want to give it out at the start of the course and/or to use it throughout to monitor progress to target - or introduce it a bit later, when the students have started to understand the structure of the course better. Anyhow - here it is. My students love it, and at the end of the course always say it was one of the most useful documents I gave them throughout the course - I’m sure yours will love it too! : )
Cartels and anti-competitive practice

Cartels and anti-competitive practice

Resources for entire lesson, focusing on cartel-like behaviours and anti-competitive practice. Resources include: Engaging presentation with built-in questioning, videoclip, and task instructions. Key words and definitions sheet. Quiz. x3 case studies from CMA for analysis during lesson. Exam question from past exam paper, with marking criteria. Designed specifically for Edexcel A’Level Economics A (3.4.4), but will work well for any board/spec requiring understanding of cartel and anti-competitive behaviour.
Entrepreneurial skills: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022

Entrepreneurial skills: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022

These resources are sufficient for one lesson about skills needed for successful entrepreneurship, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1. The files include: • A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion. • A worksheet linked to the presentation topic. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022): Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers! I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec. In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on. The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course! I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources. : ) Thanks!
Motivation and reasons for entrepreneurship: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022

Motivation and reasons for entrepreneurship: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022

These resources are sufficient for one lesson about the motivation and reasons to become an entrepreneur, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1. The files include: • A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion. • Two worksheets linked to the presentation topic. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022): Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers! I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec. In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on. The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course! I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources. : ) Thanks!
COMMAND WORDS - write better coursework

COMMAND WORDS - write better coursework

This is a set of resources that I put together for my Year 12 BTEC National Health and Social Care students to help improve the quality of their writing. The resource lists the type of command words that they will come across for Pass, Merit and Distinction coursework tasks, giving sentence starters and example extracts of each type of writing, using the Unit 5 case studies, which they should be familiar with (and a copy of which are also attached in case your students haven’t seen them yet). There is also a presentation that can be used either before or after going through the printed resource. To be honest, I can’t take full credit for that though, because I adapted it from something I found! In addition, there’s a document (worksheets) called ‘Chains of analysis’, to help students understand better how to produce analytical and evaluative writing for the Merit and Distinction tasks. The printout will be useful to file in their coursework folders for repeated reference for all coursework units. I have it as an electronic file in the students’ Google Classroom too. This is going to be one of your most useful resources throughout the course, but especially for Y12, as students transition to the demands of Level 3 coursework.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 2 - Tick sheet for folder cover

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 2 - Tick sheet for folder cover

THIS RESOURCE IS FOR THE OLD SPEC. SEARCH MY SHOP FOR RESOURCES FOR THE NEW (2022) SPEC. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/candobetter 00 00000 00 Does what it says on the tin really. The tick sheet at the front includes the Level 2 criteria only (not the L1) In addition, at the back of the page is a ‘calculator’ for students to understand where Component 2 fits into the whole in terms of points and the final outcome. Also included is a second sheet with the assessment criteria for L1 and L2 with the command words highlighted on the back of the sheet.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 18, 19 & 20: Profitability, Liquidity, Ratios

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 18, 19 & 20: Profitability, Liquidity, Ratios

This is a bundle of resources for three full lessons, plus a test for the end of Learning Aim B: 18 - Profitability & liquidity 19 - Profitability ratios 20 - Liquidity ratios For each of the three lessons there is a detailed lesson presentation, The start of the presentation for lesson 18 makes reference to a homework booklet from the previous lesson at the start, which I have left there just in case you also have the lesson 17 resources and have used the the previous lesson. If not, then delete the first two slides of the lesson 18 presentation (when you see it, you’ll understand what I mean!). Lesson 19 (Profitability ratios) has a two page worksheet to accompany the presentation and an additional task on a separate sheet that is based on a past exam question. Lesson 20 (Liquidity ratios) has a two page worksheet to accompany the presentation and refers to a great YouTube video clip (which has a long gap at the start, but bear with it, because once it gets going, it is very relevant and clearly conveyed.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 17: Statement of financial position

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 17: Statement of financial position

This set of resources for teaching Statement of Financial Position is sufficient for a double lesson. There is a lengthy presentation of 30 slides, with lots of different activities and small tests. To go with this there are 6 pages of worksheets. In addition, there is an 8 page homework booklet, which is designed to be reduced and printed to create A5-sized booklets… to save the trees : ) There is a separate document that has the answers for the homework booklet, which can be added to your Google Classroom / VLE so that students can mark their own / a partner’s homework booklet, or you can display it on the IWB - up to you. Some of the tasks are designed as quick tests and the presentation displays a mini-whiteboard, but if you don’t have any, then just use lined paper, or exercise books if you favour them. One task makes reference to a YouTube video clip - there is an associated worksheet, but you will probably need to pause the clip a few times to allow students to write in the answers. The tasks move from being very supported to more independent throughout the lesson/s. Some parts of the content has been re-recycled so many times from the various resources that I have gathered over the years, that I know it includes bits inspired by other resources that were not originally created by me, but I have no idea any more where it came from to give credit. Enjoy!
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 16: Statement of comprehensive income

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 16: Statement of comprehensive income

A selection of resources for a teaching Statement of Comprehensive Income. There’s a detailed presentation with an associated worksheet of 6 pages. In addition to this, there’s a homework booklet of 8 pages - this is designed for reducing and making into an A5 sized folded booklet - to save the trees : ) A separate 8 page document gives the answers to the homework booklet, so you can put it onto Google Classroom and the students can mark their own / each other’s work, or you can display it on the IWB - up to you. There is also a test for the previous lesson’s topic (Assets and Liabilities) and the answers, because the presentation makes reference to it, but you can either choose to discard it and delete the slides that refer to it on the presentation - or you could get the resources for Assets and Liabilities, by searching for them on this site ; ) The presentation makes reference to two YouTube video clips - one includes info about ratios, but the speaker notes indicates when it should be stopped so that you only show the relevant section for this lesson.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 13: Costs, 14: Turnover & Profit, 15: Assets & Liabilities

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 13: Costs, 14: Turnover & Profit, 15: Assets & Liabilities

Many resources here for three detailed lessons on the three topics listed. Included here are detailed presentations, associated worksheet and tests. In fact, there is even the test for the previous week’s topic (Methods of payment), because there is reference to it at the start of the Costs lesson - but feel free to discard that and delete that slide on the presentation. There are lots of resources and I’ve named them with a number so that you can see which go together. Some of the content has been re-recycled so many times from my various resources, that I know it includes bits inspired by other resources that were not originally created by me, but I have no idea any more where it came from! The only thing I’m certain of is the document called e-math book, which has the website on it and which I’m including because it can be filled in electronically, so it’s great for including on Google Classroom, if you use that - or a VLE/MLE. It’s also good practice, especially for lower ability students. This set of resources lead in to lessons 16 and 17 on financial records (Statement of comprehensive income and Statement of financial position). I have grouped them into one package - do search for them too. : )
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 12: Methods of payment

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 12: Methods of payment

A number of resources are included for this lesson on methods of payment, including a detailed presentation and associated worksheet for taking notes; also a second worksheet for students to explain where and when to use different payment methods. A test on methods of payment is included, even though it is designed for the start of next lesson. I am including also the test for last lesson’s topic (financial records) because reference is made to it at the start of the presentation, but it does not form part of this lesson and you can choose to discard it and delete the slide that refers to it in the presentation. Alternatively - get Component 3: Lesson 11 as well ; )
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 11: Financial records / Financial documents

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 11: Financial records / Financial documents

Lots of resources for this lesson… designed to be quite interactive… The presentation to guide the lesson A matching activity, with the sheet to stick it all on (& the correct answers) Pro-formas for all the finance documents, with instructions of how to use these in a group activity. A document with a title and labels in case your students would like to make their work into a beautiful wall display at the end. ; ) Scan through the pro-formas document and insert your own school’s name, address and logo on the pages where indicated, to personalise them. Ideally you’ll need a couple of copies of the Consortium catalogue for the group task - or, failing that, you could use their website. Apart from that, you just need glue. Enjoy!